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Intentions are the beginning of all tangible things and if we are called to do anything meaningful in these times, it's to connect to our deepest reservoirs of love, grounding, and strength...The purpose of beauty is to soften our nervous systems, disarm our minds, and clear paths to our hearts... May we all use art, in whatever forms please us the most, to bring connection, safety, and active caring into our every day.

Meticulouslight Mission Statement:

Beauty heals us; Art sustains us.

Who hasn’t emerged from sleep at some point thinking, “Whoa, THAT was a weird dream!”

Most of us have picked up a dream interpretation book or Googled a particular image or theme… Some of us even have recurring dreams, or themes that fascinate or confuse us. Dreams can be literal, when a message is loud, clear, even entertaining. Inherently, though, we often dream complexly, with deeper symbolism that can be personal, and in application, is always unique to the dreamer. With so many resources available to help decipher our dream world, the information out there can be overwhelming. The very first thing to do is consider one of our strongest symbols/themes, from waking or dream life, and find a dream dictionary (real-paper format keeps screen distractions at bay). If it explains our symbol in a way that feels most true to our intuition, we’ve found an author whose research speaks to us more consistently than others might.

If your goal in paying closer attention to your deepest inner workings is to utilize what you discover to grow, learn, and thrive ~ to integrate ~ dreamcatchers by Meticulouslight are here to serve.

 Your dream catcher is beautiful.

One purpose of beauty is simply to delight and please us, but I believe it goes far deeper.  Regular exposure to beauty, be it in nature, in the faces and souls of loved ones, in art we treasure and make our own, has the power to soften our body’s nervous system, disarm our mind, and clear a path into our heart. There is an observable experiential, physiological response in us when we immerse ourselves in beauty. It’s warming, positive, and nourishing. Just residing in the presence of beauty activates our parasympathetic nervous system, decreasing heart rate and blood pressure, flushing the stress hormones Cortisol, Adrenaline, and Norepinephrine from our body. Our minds are quieted… We can see more clearly, listen more attentively, even love more easily and fearlessly, and signal to those around us it is safe to do the same. Beauty is comforting.

Beauty heals us.


Your dream catcher is art.

One purpose of any art is to invite us to explore how we think and feel and live. Art isn’t always traditionally beautiful; there can be a dark refinement that pierces and awakens important archetypal truths… Destruction, fear, and death depicted or symbolized in art can remind us to have reverence, seek renewal, and allow rebirth. Any art can change us from the inside, out, and remind us of what’s truly important. Wonderfully, your dream catcher is the traditionally beautiful kind of art, harnessing what beauty does to our minds, bodies, and spirits!! The human spirit needs art, of all kinds… As Picasso said,

“The purpose of art is washing away the dust of daily life off our souls.”

Art sustains us.


Where did dream catchers come from?

Dreamcatchers originated with the Ojibwe Tribe (pronounced ow ~ jib ~ way) of First Nation peoples, who today occupy the regions around the Great Lakes in both the US and Canada, including Ontario, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, and North Dakota.

In the Ojibwe language, the dream catcher is called ‘asabikeshiinh,’ the inanimate form for spider, or by the phrase ‘bawaajige nagwaagan,’ meaning, “dream snare.” A gift from a spider who was saved by the grandmother Nokomis, the original dream catchers were believed to protect infants and small children from illness, evil, and bad dreams. This protection extended to anyone sleeping under the traditional willow and sinew talismans, where "bad" dreams were ensnared in the webbing and the "good" dreams passed through the center and into the dreamer.

How are Meticulouslight’s dream catchers different?


Our thoughts, judgement, and emotional associations make anything “good” or “bad.”

All information can help us learn and grow, whether positive or negative.  So we don’t want to stop the messages coming to us through dreams before we harvest the information some part of our own self is sending!

Every piece is steeped in the spirit of ABIDING, rather than suppression. It won’t block some dreams but rather render all dreams more clearly because we’ve been relaxed and opened by the beauty of our piece. The daily obstacles of life (“the dust”) and their effects on our minds, bodies, and souls, have been washed away, revealing an ease and openness to new information. As we fight scary messages a bit less, pause judgement, and do not block positive emotions of happy dreams, we can integrate all those symbols and themes into our conscious awareness, influencing belief systems, behavior, decision making,

and how we live our one precious life.

And so, “protection” is provided by your dream catcher through increased self~awareness and integration. 

“Good,” dreams become revelation, inspiration, and motivation. Go to bed with dreams, as they say, and wake up with plans.

“Bad,” dreams manifesting built-up, un-felt, and/or overwhelming emotions, when named and felt instead of avoided, become powerful vehicles of courage, strength, and self-compassion.

Think of the hand-woven centers as mystical filters that help remove static and intensity from your dreamscape.

Though images and feelings in your dreams may be complex, the messages within them will become more accessible to you upon fully waking, whether you sleep directly under it or half a world away!


A word to those who don’t remember any dreams at all… If you decide you truly want to recall your dreams, you need only ask yourself to do just that. You can and will recall them with the power of your intentions.(And should you feel overwhelmed at any time, the reverse works as well!)

Meticulouslight is committed to avoiding authentic, traditional patterns and specific tribal symbolism as well as ensuring that the creation of each dream catcher occurs with intention, sacred connection, humility, and reverence.


Dream catchers are far more holy than simple household decor, and more rooted in nature's wisdom than any new-age superficial fascination with trinkets and charms. It's imperative that we honor the origins of these potent spiritual tools and hold respect for these cultures and their lore.

I make annual donations to two organizations that work with and support native tribes today.

If you would like to join Meticulouslight in financially contributing to the healing, growth, and well-being of the original inhabitants of the land we all tread today, consider visiting:

May beauty unfurl the hidden banners of light within you and may the wordless places within you be illuminated.

Sweet dreams of both night and day!  

© patricia j tyrcha


handmade dreamcatchers + crystal sun catchers

all rights reserved  

Modern Handmade Dream Catchers for a Brave New World

Christina on Nov 7, 2020

5 out of 5 stars
This piece is absolutely stunning! I LOVE it so much, I decided to buy my other favorite as well! Seller packaged the piece very well and it came undamaged and perfect. You can tell that the seller/creator puts a lot of detail and time in her work. I am very happy!

Sparkly + Uplifting Crystal Sun Catchers!


To live in the light of a new day and an unimaginable and unpredictable future, you must become fully present to a deeper truth ~ not a truth from your head, but a truth from your heart; not a truth from your ego, but a truth from the highest source.
— Debbie Ford